
Course Overview Technologies/Projects
Introduction to Information Science HTML, IT concepts HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Human Information Processing Research and theory in human cognition Stroop Effect Presentation
Mathematical Foundations Basic Math Concepts for IT N/A
Information Systems Design and analysis of Information Systems RFID tag grocery store
Client-Server Analysis and design of distributed systems Fantasy Baseball Manager (Java)
Interactive System Design Priniciples and techniques of Interactive System Design C Tutorial
Artificial Intelligence Core Ideas in Artificial Intelligence N/A
Software Engineering Critical Analysis of leading iterative software developement processes Analysis of Agile and XP
Natural Language Processing Creation of Computer programs that can understand, generate, and learn natural language Context Free Grammars
Algorithm Implementation A broad range of commonly used algorithms Java
Web Technologies and Standards Core technologies and standards for web based distributed systems AJAX, Java, JavaServlets, JSP, Perl, XML, XSLT
Database Management Comprehensive coverage fo database systems SQL, Perl, MySQL, Oracle
Independent Study: Web Systems Development of a commenting blog AJAX, Java, SQL, HMTL, CSS, JavaScript

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